Having taken nine out of the ten art classes offered by the school, with AS Fashion Design with Ms. Lynch being her favorite, no one knows Kent’s Art Department better than sixth former Amy Jirakulaporn.
Amy was first exposed to fashion design in her sophomore year after taking the Introduction to Fashion Design class. Having mastered the basic techniques, Amy went on to make her own designs. She describes the process of making clothes as “exhilarating,” and says she is “satisfied and happy with [her] final work when she sees pieces of fabrics coming together to create an outfit.”
Last year, Amy designed a total of six garments. The collection was later showcased at the Spring Fashion Show, under the theme of “Simplicity and Structure.” In particular, one of her designs caught much attention — “The Great White Spike” jacket. Modeled by Kevin Yu ’23, the jacket had spikes running down the middle back. Amy specifically chose the solid white color for the jacket in order to highlight “the form rather than style and function.”
Aside from fashion design, Amy is also passionate about drawing. This year, she completed her biggest piece of artwork to date in just two weeks. Titled “Only Me,” the drawing consisted of seven images of Amy drawn by chalk from her observations. The artwork was 72” x 97” in size and occupied an entire wall in the Field Art Gallery as the largest piece on display. The piece was not only created in a rather short period of time but also Amy’s first time drawing full-body images and her third time pursuing still-life portraiture.
Immediately after the “Only Me” work, Amy further challenged herself by working on her next fashion line, “Ready-To-Wear” fashion. Her first piece in the collection was named “Too-Flow Reversible Jacket.” In creating it, Amy experimented with various patterns and fabric-dying colors. It only took her four days to complete this intricate design.
Amy would like to pursue fashion design in college, and we can’t wait to see what she creates.