Revisit days show admitted students what Kent is all about

Benjamin Lee, Campus News Reporter

In the words of Director of Admissions Mr. Sullivan, revisit days allow the admitted students to take a “sneak peek at what a day at Kent School is like.” They are intended to provide prospective families with enough resources and information to make an informed decision. Students go to classes, attend workshops, meet teachers, and mingle with current Kent students. Meanwhile, parents visit teachers and inquire about school life.

This year, a little over 200 students from 52 countries and 41 states are expected to visit Kent School on one of the three revisit days. In addition to the traditional revisit day activities, this year the admissions team organized a “special interest fair,” which allowed students to get to know their interested extracurricular activities through one-on-one interactions with the activity/club leaders. Other changes include the shortening of class times, which made it possible for prospective students to attend more classes over the course of their visit.

Andrew Lim ’20, a student host, displayed his hospitality by showing his prospective student  around the fields, chapel, various classrooms in addition to accompanying him to his classes. Lim felt that he had revealed interesting and unique perspectives of Kent which only an insider could offer.

Sullivan hopes that this event will leave a positive impression of Kent School as a place to  “grow, learn, and explore new interests” and give current students an “opportunity to connect with new students coming in.”