The Holy Month of Ramadan is an important month for Muslims, who use this month to strengthen their faith by praying more and reading from the Holy Quran. During this month, Muslims fast from a few hours before sunrise until sunset, but Ramadan is more than just fasting. Muslims learn to have more self-control and feel what the poor might feel. It is an exceptional month for them to reflect on themselves and get closer to god.
Kent School truly helped its Muslim students during this month. The Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID) gathered us a few weeks before Ramadan and asked for suggestions about how they could help to make Ramadan as easy as possible while we were away from our homes. The office sent emails to all the teachers explaining our situation and how we might be tired from fasting, and Ms. Pena and Ms. Clarke spoke to the faculty during a meeting as well. Every day, the office of EID provided food in the head study when it was time to break our fasts around sunset. They also offered us a plastic bag that included all types of snacks we could eat on our own. I am thankful for the office of EID.
Inara Sadiqi ’24 talked about how ‘grateful’ she was to be in a school that did its best to help the Muslim community. She said, “There is a ton of progress this year in Ramadan. Last year, the Muslim community couldn’t gather together to break their fast, but now, thanks to the Office of EID, we can.” She also mentioned how she thought it was kind of the chapel faculty to talk about Ramadan during one of the chapel sessions.
On the last day of Ramadan, Mr. and Mrs. Hirshfield were kind enough to invite us all to their home on the last day of Ramadan. They offered us delicious food. I personally loved the chicken, but there were many other options to choose from. They also gave us a ton of dessert. There was Baklava, Strawberry Tarts, and Kahk. It was a very memorable night, and I can speak on behalf of all the Muslim students how grateful we are.