Art on display in Foley Hall

Logan Pronovost

Last spring, Kent students in the Art Survey course were challenged to illustrate a country in various media. Ms. Lynch, head of the Art Department, described the assignment as “an opportunity for the students to redefine what it means to be an artist.” The budding artists accomplished this task by displaying their knowledge about a particular country that fascinates them. Whether it was illustrating “the Peruvian mining industry or representing the Chinese trade routes,” each student had the opportunity to explore what interested them about their chosen nations. 

Many of the students used the assignment as a medium through which to express themselves and their identity. In the end, the projects turned out to be great successes, but the process was a challenging one. Ms. Lynch said that, “Initially, it was challenging for students to realize that there is more to art than brush and paper, such as needle and thread.” They pushed on, however, creating unique and memorable pieces that portrayed a wide array of different places. Despite this less traditional approach to art, Grace Xie ’22 (who is fascinated by New Zealand and the Maori culture) recounts that she “particularly enjoyed sewing despite its difficulties.”

The cultural awareness aspect of this assignment was just as prevalent as the artistic. Ms. Lynch said that “understanding how this new information ties into our global understanding was also fascinating.” 

It appears that not only did this assignment allow students to express their talents in art, but it also served as a way to develop an appreciation for a new culture. Zoe Benjamin ’20, an active member of the Kent School theater program, described art as “ portraying our stories despite our various backgrounds; we all share a common interest which is a love of art and the determination to learn about everyone’s story.” 

The pieces are on permanent display in the stairwells of Foley Hall, so be sure to stop and check them out next time you are on your way to English or history.