Boys Varsity Lacrosse Battles Brunswick
April 20, 2019
“I don’t think we ever quit,” said boys varsity lacrosse captain Luke Murphy ’19 after a rough game against Brunswick School on Wednesday, April 3rd.
Kent athletes brought an aggressive fight against the Brunswick boys, but Brunswick eventually won 1-12.
In the first quarter, Brunswick scored six points in a series of swift, efficient goals. However, the Kent defensive line was far more successful in the second quarter, holding the score for the entire time.
Still, Brunswick kept possession of the ball for the entire first half of the game. Their athletes kept the momentum going and faked a lot, keeping Kent’s lacrosse players on their toes the entire time.
Head Coach Michael Kruger commented after the game, “The boys played hard,” and emphasized their improvement both during the game and since then.
In the third quarter, the gap deepened to 0-7 before Alex LaFerrière ’20 scored Kent’s single goal in the last thirty seconds of the quarter.
Previously, several attempts had been made, with players Owen Rokous ’21, Ryan Ammirata ’21, and Luke Murphy ‘19 making good runs across the field, although LaFerrière’s was the only successful goal.
Murphy noted, “We stayed together,” keeping a decent defense going until the end, although Brunswick managed another five goals, mostly in the last quarter.
Despite the poor score, Brunswick’s quick and methodical offense were actually thwarted many times by goalie Dante Batista ’21, whom Coach Kruger singled out in his interview.
Overall, this was a tough game against one of the sports’ best teams, and Kent School athletes fought hard and admirably. “If everyone keeps at it, the wins will come,” concluded Murphy.