Field hockey playing with intensity

Tyson Phan

Sawyer Russell ’20 pushes past Porter’s

Erin Shannon, Editor

Coming off a winning season last year, the varsity field hockey team has been working very hard to repeat their success.

Their record so far has been very competitive: seven wins, four losses, and one tie. Though they lost many good players from last year, the girls are still getting results and keeping a positive attitude.

One example of a close game this season is their match up against Westminster School. The girls were up 3-0 in the first half, but in the second half, Westminster converted on penalty corners and brought the score up to 3-3. The score was still tied when the final whistle blew, so both teams both proceeded to an action-packed overtime. Kayla Shah ’20 pulled off some fantastic saves as goalie, and the defensive line was solid. About halfway through overtime, Saw- yer Russell ’20, received a pass from Julia Nearis ’19. She finished this game and led the girls to a thrilling win. The team ran out on the field to celebrate as soon as the game ended.

One particular player commended by Duncan is Senior Assistant Captain Madie Blakeslee ’19. She describes her as an “anchor of the defensive unit.”

Furthermore, Coach Duncan describes, “On defensive corners, she plays the trail position and on offensive corners she has a terrific drive. She even scored in the Gunnery game with a dynamite hit from just inside the circle. As a senior captain, Madie has been a great role model and works hard both in practice and games.”

The girls will continue to practice and play with intensity and they look forward to the rest of their season.