Around the world and back with Ms. Lynch

Lily Armstrong, Campus News Reporter

Ms. Lynch, Kent School’s Art department chair, has recently returned from her sabbatical with lots of experiences to share.

Including the beautiful landscapes of Iceland and Greenland and museums in Milan, Ms. Lynch traveled far and wide, learning much along the way: “I traveled to Milan, Italy to view da Vinci’s “Last Supper” and San Ambroggio for the first time. Standing before da Vinci’s masterpiece was phenomenal, and praying in San Ambroggio was a profound blessing.”

She says that the unseen art and landscapes inspired her to create more artwork of her own. Along the way, she captured many pictures for her portfolio and prepared for her exhibition in NYC. She explains, “Since I exhibit photographs, film and digital captures would be one layer of the new work, but drawings and paintings will also be derived from such source images moving forward.” And at home, she built a personal art studio in her basement.

During her time off, Ms. Lynch also had the opportunity to spend quality time with her mother. She comments, “We could attend noon mass together, visit relatives, etc. Only God knows how much more time I will have with my mother, but I now have two more months of precious memories–priceless.”

Ms. Lynch is known around campus as a kind, generous, form of light for both students and faculty, and the entire community is glad that she had the time to spread quality time spreading her light with her mother. She adds,  “I am immensely grateful to Father Schell and Kent School for the chance to take a term off to create new work, view and experience masterpieces in Italy, and to spend uninterrupted time with my mom.”

Above all, we at Kent are grateful that Ms. Lynch has returned to share all her amazing adventures with us!