Here comes Advent!
December 20, 2017
Advent, which has its roots in the Latin word for “arrival,” begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and celebrates the coming of Jesus into the world. Kent School’s St. Joseph Chapel is now celebrating this event and preparing for Christmas by lighting the candle and decorating with garlands. The choir starts to sing hymnals for Advent, while chapel speakers and readers all speak about Advent and the upcoming holiday.
During the Sunday chapel service on December 3, students and teachers listened to Old Testament story of Jesus coming to the world and bringing infinite love and happiness. This story reminded everyone the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of gratitude towards what God and Jesus did for us.
This theme of gratitude culminated in a chapel talk delivered by Father Voorhees. He amused the audience with his story of putting a Christmas tree in the Dean’s office during Advent. Despite getting into trouble afterwards, Father Voorhees recalled that the beautiful Christmas tree and Christmas light carried special meanings for him and his peers and lit up their hearts.
By telling this experience, Father Voorhees conveyed an important lesson: “the holiday can have different meanings to different people.” But it is always significant to connect ourselves to the community and God, who give us constant support and love, and return their good will by being the best of ourselves. Meanwhile, we all need to take the time to discover and enjoy the love around us and cherish the lovely moments in our lives.