Science Department offers new Elective Courses
April 9, 2017
Next year could be an exciting one for those interested in science here at Kent, as there are two new electives in the works.
First, there is a non-lab course called Pandemics which will be, “a study in the history, evolution, and future of the major diseases that have plagued mankind.” Mr. Houston will teach the class, which will take place in the fall term to replace Ecology 1 and will admit about 10-15 students.
The course will cover a wide range of topics, from the history of human evolution to modern epidemics to possible sources of new pandemics. Mr Houston is “fascinated with the interaction of parasites and infectious diseases and how their presence has affected the human race.” In teaching this class he hopes to “share some of [his] excitement in this field with a few students in a new course.”
Secondly, there will be Geology 2: The History of Life on Earth. This is also a non-laboratory course, and it will be offered in the spring term. Geology 2 is taught by Dr. Green and, like Pandemics, will have room for 10-15 students.
Some topics covered in the class will be: fossils, the origin of modern biochemistry, Darwinian evolution, and plate tectonics.
If you like the sound of these, get ready to sign up, because these electives will be available starting fall term 2017.